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R & D results



Based on the research and development and innovation of traditional crafts, SHCAL's scientific research capabilities continue to strengthen the cultivation of technological innovation capabilities at the product side. The company has invested in the construction of a cosmetic aerosol development and testing laboratory in the Qidong manufacturing base, which is a benchmark in the industry. Equipped with complete aerosol sample preparation, gas filling, aerosol raw material analysis and testing, aerosol product function testing and stability inspection equipment and facilities, it can provide turnkey engineering services for brand cosmetics enterprise aerosol product development .

The company’s Shanghai R&D center has set up a formula development laboratory, a packaging development laboratory, an efficacy evaluation laboratory, a sensory evaluation laboratory, a precision instrument laboratory, and a stability testing laboratory, focusing on the development and innovation of functional skin care products. The Shanghai and Qidong R&D centers have a total area of ​​more than 2,000 square meters, which can meet the development and evaluation needs of various personal care cosmetics and disinfectant products.

The company's scientific research work also upholds the spirit of open cooperation and collaborative innovation, and actively cooperates with domestic scientific research institutes. It has carried out industry-university-research cooperation with Jiangnan University, Nantong University and Shanghai University of Applied Sciences in intelligent manufacturing, raw material safety evaluation and product efficacy mechanism research, and achieved good results.

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Address: No. 100, Haizhou Road, Binhai Industrial Park, Qidong City, Jiangsu Province



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